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Topp Chicks

Could we have a "bullying" sticky please?

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Poor Samantha is looking pretty cheesed off. The others are picking on her. Trawling though the site it looks like this is quite common - and I have picked up a few good tips.


Could there be a central place to park advice and comments on how to address this problem? A sticky or a special Q&A sheet bringing together good advice would be great :)


Its distressing seeing one of your funny little brown friends so unhappy.


Shoud we separate them/ leave it a while to work out/ spray them purple with anti peck spray/ get a water pistol?



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We are working on the Chicken FAQ to try and build up answers to many of the questions that get asked often. As we all volunteer on the forum, it's a matter of trying to get things done when we can, inbetween enjoying these lovely long light nights now!


'Pecking' is a very good subject and does need to be in there somewhere. I will add it to the list of FAQ's to add.


Have you come across Bumper Bits?



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