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Which chick? Urgent.

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Well our new arrivals survived the night - and day. Surprisingly the 'quieter' Gingernut has emerged as top hen and the feisty but slimmer Snow White is bottom of the pile. She has been chased around a great deal, nothing too nasty but I put out separate feed and water for her so I think she is OK. The Black Rock even came to feed from my hand this evening but was chased away by the Gingernuts.

Tonight they all put themselves away without any coaxing. Looks promising.

The newbies are now named, Blossom for the Snow White and Olive for the Black Rock.

Just been reading about Hemcore/Aubiose, although I have partially covered the main run after the downpours of the last two days these seem to be a better bet than co"Ooops, word censored!" bark. I just need to find a reasonably local supplier.

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Sounds like you had a lovely time at Garden Poultry. I'm trying to make my mind up where to get my newbies from. This sounds very promising!

I've got my names all ready for their arrival, just need the cube to come now!


Congrats on your newbies, they sound lovely!




Well if we get more (!) chickens my first port of call will be Garden Poultry.http://www.gardenpoultry.cwc.net/

Judging by the weather of the last 2 nights I am seriously thinking that I ought to have got ducks.

This afternoon I found Olive sitting in a mud bath, just as well she is black to begin with!

The pecking is still going on and the Snow White (Blossom) reminds me of The Roadrunner the way she hurtles around avoiding the others. Can you get Vallium for chooks? :shock:

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It seems to me that most posts just die a death.

However, I would like to put this one to bed by expressing my thanks for all the excellent advice and reassurance. Vital to newcomers like us who have had no experience of chickens other than in the pot!!

Our 4 are getting along reasonably well now despite our earlier worries and hopefully the eggs will materialise too, if not we won't be too upset, we get plenty of entertainment from them. :lol: I can barely believe the amount of time I have spent watching them. :oops:

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