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"Broody" (thats the name of the hen) is........

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went to check on broody and for the 1st time since she had started to sit on the eggs she tried to take my fingers off! lol (am hopping thats a good sign!!!



the eggs were planted under "broody" on the 25th june and if I worked it out they should prove to be one way or the other byt the 15th/15th july!


The 1st couple of days I used to check tht the other girls hadne laied eggs undernieth her (if that made sence) now shes in her ownb run within the big run I was checking every now and again to see if they were warm which they were and she was or seemed ok with this but yesterday that was it!!! off with my fingers!!!


awwwww its like christmas lol I just want to unwrap "now"

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