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Sexing my 9 week old silver laced wyandottes

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So, here are some pictures or my four, nine week old silver laced wyandottes. Any thoughts?


So here's my definite boy. (no leg ring)





Blue Leg ring, leaning towards girl, but not sure....




Yellow leg ring, leaning quite strongly towards girl





Green Leg ring, the largest, but I am thinking girl





Some additional information:


The definate boy has by far the thickest legs and also has a sort of solid black section at the base of his neck. Which I have heard is something quite common in male SLW's, as they get their silver head feathers later. He is also the only one to have developed and kind of physical comb (other than redness) he has a small horn bit at the top.


Also, the boy never has squabbles with the other three, which is all part of my "three girls" theory, as they all squabble amongst each other, so I wonder if they have all just fallen into line behind him, and are just sorting themselves out.

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I'd say the first is male as not only does it look boyish the lack of markings and black line across the wings indicate that I think


The next two look girlie


The last one looks girlie but also is quite dark in the neck and has a bit of a line across it's wing so I'm not sure there, I think you are probably right though as you see these every day and will have picked up on the characteristics of the bird as a whole

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