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We've had our girls for nearly four weeks - and the time has flown (if you pardon the pun!). They are wonderful and doing all the the things we've read about on everyone else's posts :D


Anyway, Ella has a tiny blob of what looks like blue mould on her comb. I haven't put this in the Chicken Clinic because she is definitely not ill - eating eagerly, rootling all the time and has laid for 15 consecutive days! Every other day it seems to disappear, leaving the comb white instead of red (but as I said, it is a tiny area) :?


As new hen people, we wonder if this is normal (she didn't have it when they arrived) or should we be worrying about it? We can't pick the hens up yet, but we have a friend who would help if something needs to be done.


Hope to have some pics for you :wink:



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