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Left in charge

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5 years ago my husband bought me a beehive (national) for my birthday. I wanted a hot tub :lol: it was all very scary. The bees arrived in the post a few days after the hive was delivered. Armed with my new gear a friendly local bee keeper took me through the process of setting up the hive.


My then 13 year old son took much more interest than me ( I just love watching them). For the past 5 years he has nurtured, fed, got new queens set up a dummy swarm. Now he's gone to university. He left saying "it's ok mum there's not much to do at the moment". That was 4 weeks ago. I'm now stuck. I know they'll need feeding and I know they'll need treating for varroa, but I don't know when and how. Also do I still need to check the frames. He's not back til Christmas. I will be very grateful for any advice. I'm not afraid to don the bee suit :D

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I wouldn't inspect the frames at this time of year, it's too cold - just open the hive enough for feeding or treatment. Are you sure he didn't feed/treat before he went? I'd ask him what he has been using for varroa treatment, there are various products - MAQS is very popular this year, and it's new so he won't have used it last year.


Feed them 2:1 sugar syrup (2lbs:1 pint), as much as they will take.

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You need to have a good read of the maqs faqs on their web page. Minimum ambient temperature is 10 degrees and I'm sure it's getting colder than that at night. More importantly there is brood loss and some people have lost queens ; I had one superseded.You need all your winter bees and you definitely need your queen. I just wouldn't risk it. MAQS is new and works well but my advice would be to use it earlier in the season when you can keep a super over to let the bees space out and repair queen losses in good time. You might find that the expiry date is around when you might want to use it next year but I reckon 2 or 3 months won't make any difference

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