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morag's mom

New Chickens

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yes they do as I asked them, but they have to charge the £25 delivery ontop of £10 a hen as we weren't close enough to pick them up so it worked out a bit expensive for just 2 hens. They were also out of Miss Pepperpots and low on Gingernuts when I rung about a month ago but they may have more now...

They did give us some recommended breeders in the area though, some of which were not on their website so we found a good one and are very happy with them :lol:

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Thank you everyone for your information. The reason I asked is because one of my girls has a "Cold" and I've done all that I can for her, but the vet cant guarantee that she will be fine in the end. I lost one of my Omlet girls to egg yoke paritonitis a couple of months ago. Since that happened, I'm a bit paranoid when ever the girls sneeze or look a bit off color. So if the worst does happen, and if I do need to replace my hens, I don't want to get them from the place I got the two new girls from again. I think dispite the expensive price, I actually rescued them. Hopefully everyone will be fine and I won't have anything to worry about.

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It's when an egg breaks inside the chicken and it causes and infection. Once the egg breaks, the vet said that even if you get antibiotic thearapy going right away, they don't survive. My Morag developed an extremely high fever after a day of complete lethargy. The day before she was eating and running around quite normal. I noticed that her legs had yoke on them in the morning when she was already lethargic. I took her into the vet as an emergency and she got anti inmflamitories and antibiotics right away as well as fluids, but she didn't make it. I was told that it is only a problem when the eggs they are making aren't developed properly, like jelly eggs, and they can't wistand the laying process, they break on their way out. So if your girls are laying good eggs, forget about it, they aren't at risk. Morag's eggs hadn't been normal since she molted.

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