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Rob Titchener - The Archers ** possible spoilers

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We stopped listening to the Archers a few weeks ago. I was getting really fed up with Pat, with the Ambridge Faoiry miraculously solving unsolveable problems, with the Grundys (who have stopped being 'likeable rogues' and were turning into ridiculously "we're-entitled" selfish idiots), with Helen and her refusal to say anything, with Anna who keot cutting in and stopping Helen every time she did start to say something... I decided to wait until the trial. (Although I did sort of follow a bit, by looking at posts in an Archers FB group).


I started listening again on Sunday.


Irritated to distraction at the whispering in court plot device, and Pat making it all about her again and how unrealistic it is that so few of the family are there. Why wasn't Adam there to support Ian giving evidence? What about Kathy supporting Pat? Why wasn't Lilian there to support Tony?


I think Tim Watson's portrayal of Rob has been terrific (not just in court, all the way through), and Louiza Patikas's portrayal of Helen in court has been superb. I've cried on 3 of the days.


I'm very much looking forward to the hour long episode. Much as I want Helen to get off, if she does I hope it's done in a credible way - not the Ambridge Fairy.

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There have been some irritating errors - for example, it would normally be Helen's solicitor who would contact her and take statements etc, not her barrister - and the whispering in court has driven me mad - yes, I know it's a plot device but they'd have been thrown out in no time if they were talking that much!


I do agree though, excellent performances from the actors playing Rob and Helen. I want her to get off but not in a dramatic 'with one leap, he was free' type of finish. In real life most court cases are so boring that they'd make terrible drama so we have to allow a bit of dramatic license.


I haven't heard everything this week but I'll be caught up in time for the long episode on Sunday. Not sure how that's going to work for next week's Omnibus though!

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INteresting cross section of people and views (on the jury I mean). I'm not sure that in real life there would be anyone so desperate to get out of the jury room - for such a serious offence anyway - as portrayed there. Helen was so very lucky that one of the jurors was male and had a friend who had suffered abuse.


I wonder what will happen now between Rob and Helen. That meeting was rather dramatic.

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Helen was so very lucky that one of the jurors was male and had a friend who had suffered abuse.


I wonder what will happen now between Rob and Helen. That meeting was rather dramatic.


Agreed, very lucky indeed.

Crikey, I wonder if Rob will continue to torment her :shock:

I suppose there will be a custody battle now for poor little Henry.

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Because they are married, Henry is 'a child of the family' so Rob could apply for residence anyway. the allegations made by Helen in court haven't been proven in any way, but CAFCASS would have to take them all into account in any dispute - along with Helen's depression, anorexia etc.


It's been appearing recently that Rob has found Henry difficult to cope with, so perhaps he'll give up and slink off back to wherever his parents live, licking his wounds and snarling with disappointed rage. On the other hand ... it's a way for him to continue trying to control Helen. I can't bear the thought of a custody battle after all this! Tonight's episode was riveting, in the end but I wish the jurors hadn't been such stereotypes.


I have finally understood what Twitter is for. The commentary on there was hysterically funny tonight!

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