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The Great Escape

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We've had the girls now since June and they have been free ranging happily in approx 120ft by 40ft but now that isn't enough for them :roll: I thought our garden was secure but they have managed to find every escape route out of the garden and each time we have closed it off. Anyway, last night was the final straw - we were happily watching Emmerdale when a neighbour called to say 5 of our chickens where 2 doors away in a neighbours garden :shock::shock::shock: Our next door neighbours came to help us round them up and after several gifts of eggs to three lots of neighbours we eventually got them home. How they managed that one we can't work out but we will now have to re-fence the whole of the back of the garden - whoever said keeping chickens was cheap hasn't met my girlies :lol::lol::lol:


Cup and Tilly are the ringleaders and the others just follow but it was quite funny as Sarah had stayed behind looking so smug as though to say "aren't I a good girl" but I think it was more to do with "where the flip have they gone now!!!"

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