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The Bantam of the Opera

The Bantam Blues

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I posted this same comment a while ago on the intorducing a chicken 1:1 but havent got any replies and would like to know as soon as because i have to put them away soon.


I bought 3 orpington bantams today to live in my eglu but one of them is really quite small and the others have had the occasioal warning peck at her and she keeps her head down. Im worried about putting them all together in teh eglu tonight though, will she be pecked to pieces in the night? :cry:


i think one of them is a boy aswell, would this be a problem?


they all lived in the same caged at the place i bought them from and didnt attack eachother but it was alot bigger than an eglu.


Also, when i first brought them home i introduced them to my tw rhode island reds thinking they would all get along swimmingly but they were having none of it and viscously attacked the little bantams. will it ever be possible to get these guys to get along or can they just take in turns using the garden free range and the others go in teh run?


Any help or advice would be greatly appriciated! I love my little narcissa. my mum says they have to establish a pecking order but i hate to see her get hurt. :cry:

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Hi - great name (we call our noisiest Bantam that!)


Firstly,do put them all to be togther.It is IMHO the very best way to get them used to each other.

Make sure you are up early to let them all out,so they can have their own space.

It sounds like your little dude is the bottom of the pecking order,& I am afraid she will always have a warning peck every now & then - thats just hen nature.

I don't think they will give her a beaking over night - I have never heard of that happening..........................


As for intros to your big girls, there are several threads & stickys on intorducing new hens to an established flock.I am afraid that as you are intoducing Bants to big hens you may find intros take a little longer & a lot more patience than usual.

Look at the stickys & take your time.The bants are at even more of a disadvantage than normal as they are small.


Good luck & remeber we are all here to give dvise if you have problems :D

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thanks loads! :D

Im feeling alot better about them now , i was rather worried at first.

they all went into the elgu together and huddled up in the corner when it got dark so *fingers crossed* they will be okay in teh morning. Ill get up extra early to let them out althouigh im up at 7 anyway to get ready for college. >.<


yeha ill look out for those threads. If i cant introduce them i guess theyll just have to alternate having the whole garden.


Thanks again




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