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Richard T

You've gotta larf ...

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Good news about the sink! And I am glad all is going well with the builders. We swapped our dining room and kitchen round, so for a while I actually had 2 kitchens :D - Paul did all the work so there was never any chance of him slacking :twisted: I can sympathise with the dust - we have had many walls plastered and Paul has put in solid oak floor throughout - all of which needed sanding! - and the dust sheets and plastic sheets on the doors never really kept all the dust in :roll:

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Kitchen sink at last! hurrah.


I vowed never to sand anymore floors after we did all the floors in our last house. They looked smashing, but the mess was unbelievable. I think i sniffed and swallowed half of the dust. Everytime I blew my nose for months after, loads of sawdust came out!

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:?:roll::evil: Just make sure its sealed in well .... I discovered a leak today ... the sealant was not all the way round the sink/granite surface, and the whole sink unit had SUNK in the un-siliconed areas. :x . Funny how we get peeps in to save us doing the work ... then have to do the finishing off properly ourselves. :?:roll:
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Only a month or two ago I was complaining to hubby that our kitchen's beginning to look a bit old and tired, and that maybe it's time to consider updating it. Your stories have put me right off- think I'll live with it a bit longer... at least until summer when a barbecue is a viable option and not a form of torture. And as for cooking by blow-torch :shock: . Knowing my luck I'd just about burn the house down, but still manage to leave us eating charred on the outside, but raw inside meat.

Probably the first time ever that hubby has cause to be grateful to the forum :roll:

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alpefamily said:


Only a month or two ago I was complaining to hubby that our kitchen's beginning to look a bit old and tired, and that maybe it's time to consider updating it.


Our original plan was to give the cupboard doors a coat of paint. We even bought a tin of the special paint for cupboard doors from B&Q. If only we'd stuck to the plan. :wink:


But don't let our experiences put you off. Our problems arose when we started trying to improve/amend some of the alterations a previous owner had made. We uncovered some dodgy building work which once uncovered needed to be put right.


But everything is starting to take shape now. A lot of the mess has been cleared up. Which helps a lot. And the floor tiles are down. Most of the units have been assembled so there's a bit more room in the house. They should start fixing the units in place today and finish painting the walls and ceiling. I hope we'll be cooking dinner and loading the new dishwasher in the new kitchen on Wednesday night.


And the builder has bought two mugs to replace the ones that got broken!


Richard T

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Sounds like a good builder :) , replacing broken mugs :shock:

and turning up to work reliably this close to Christmas. If we ever go ahead with more work I might contact you for their details; a recommended builder is always good, and I'm actually not too far from you, (and hubby & son regularly worship- or more lately weep- at your local landmark known as The Valley :roll: ).


Good luck with the kitchen, it sounds as if it's coming together now, and I'm sure it'll all be worth it when it's finished. Will it be done for Christmas now?

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Q: What's the difference between our builder and The Valley?

A: Our builder's got a good team. :D (the step-children are regularly to be found weeping at The Valley.)


The kitchen will be done for Christmas!


I don't know if it helps us that the builder is the OH of a friend of Wendy's, but I know from talking to him in the past that he pays attention to details like cleaning up, repairing breakages and so on, so that everything is as painless as possible, which is always a good sign.


I'll find out how far he roams for work.


Richard T

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