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A safety warning - cuddling chickens :P

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just remember that if your crocs area wee bit big there is room to keep on the fleecy slippers inside. Always make sure that you bring them in at night though. My neighbors must think I am mad as I sport my headtorch, slippers/crocs ensemble to put the girls to bed and pyjamas/ coat/ woolly hat/slippers/crocs outfit int garden - and the girls woke everyone up this morning baccawing for their porrige!


Can I recommend these as top chicken jamas for houses with not much central heating (designed for canadian winter and priceless!!



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brilliant lines and what a mental image! Love 'crack of sparrow' you have a way with words :D


Do you feel a poem coming on, Poet? :)


I have had writer's block for sometime now, I think my muse left when the chickens moved in! I think I'm in a Winter-time apathetic type funk, maybe I need a SAD light or something...


ktdot did write some very poetic lines there though, I'm jealous! :mrgreen:


Ah, thank you Poet :oops::D

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we"re all sensible members of society!!! pure magic :lol::lol::lol:


Sorry :?::?. Speak for yourself :lol: .


don't tell anyone but...my chickens told me I was quite insane! That's gratitude for ya, pah!

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