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Has anybody seen Erasure in concert? Or any of the other 80's bands?


Erasure were wonderful at UEA, Norwich in September. Andy Bell and Vince Clarke were fabulous as always. The support band were superb....ah bliss! I could listen to them all over again. In fact, I think I will......



.......sorry for the pause, I've just put Erasure's latest album on.


I love the 80's.

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saw them somewhere in Manchester around 1986ish, just before they were famous-can't remember where it was but it was a small place, very intimate atmosphere so you could have reached out and touched them, we were that close to them.


At the time, I thought they were brilliant, never saw them again 'live' once they became famous.


I like small, intimate music venues- big concerts and festivals are not for me so it's nice to have seen some famous people before they were famous, in intimate surroundings, if you know what I mean.


I went to see 'Black' in concert in Liverpool, possibly around 1987ish, I thought 'Wonderful Life' was a fantastic song and I also saw 'Aha' around the same time, again in Liverpool. I had a huge crush on Morten Harket.


They were the only 2 'proper' concerts I ever went to.


I regret never seeing 'Kiss' or 'Queen' 'live' but then I didn't get into their music till later in life.





My DH went to uni in Hull and used to drink with the members of 'The Housemartins' before they were famous and he also saw 'The Smiths' at The Hacienda in Manchester before they became mega famous.

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Would have loved to see Erasure! I never went to see any live music as a teen, it was completely beyond my comprehension, and I so wished I had. OH only likes opera, classical or 60s so it's very hard to get him to go to anything, and none of my friends are concert goers. I'm trying to catch up now with my 16 year old son - luckily we both appreciate the same kind of music! Going to see Santana next June - they were one of my fave groups in the 80s (and 90s and now!) Carlos = 8)8)8)

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Poet, you sound like a girl after my own heart...Black, Erasure, etc.


Places like UEA (university gigs) are still very small and intimate. You should go. I saw Big Country, Wah and Pet Shop Boys in Liverpool (my home city..... :D ) when I was younger.


I can only go to gigs where I'm guaranteed to be able to sit down these days but I do occasionally go to see local bands at local pubs (much better now they're smoke free too!).


My piano teacher is in a band himself, they are a Janis Joplin tribute band and they are REALLY good, they're called 'Kozmic'.


I go to The Phil in Liverpool quite a bit to see a wide variety of music, saw The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band there not long ago, wish I'd seen them when Viv Stanshall was alive but Ade Edmondson and Phil Jupitus stood in for him, and we ended up sitting next to Mike McCartney and John Gorman quite by chance. Why do we keep bumping into people from Tiswas!? (anyone see my post about Bob Carolgees candle shop will know what I mean) :)


Would I not look a bit like an old fuddy duddy trying to look 'cool' if I went to a UEA gig? :lol:



Poet, you sound like a girl after my own heart...Black, Erasure, etc.


Places like UEA (university gigs) are still very small and intimate. You should go. I saw Big Country, Wah and Pet Shop Boys in Liverpool (my home city..... :D ) when I was younger.


would that be The Mighty Wah? Pete (wylie) still plays around and about Liverpool as far as I know.


How about 'Echo and the Bunnymen' ? their version of 'People are strange' is one of the coolest songs ever, was that the one used in 'The Lost Boys'?


This link should re-titled '80s Nostalgia'! ;)

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Having the 80's as the time of my (miss-spent) youth, I'm delighted with revival tours going on at the moment.

We've got tickets to the 'Here & Now' tour at Wembley next year.

We saw Orchestral Manouevers in the Dark earlier this year who were our most favourites - they were brilliant!

I'd love to see Midge Ure (with or without Ultravox) again.


Only problem is, when I look around the audience I think 'do I look as old the rest of these people?' In my head I'm still 21! :whistle::oops:



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Would have loved to see Erasure! I never went to see any live music as a teen, it was completely beyond my comprehension,


I felt the same, all my peers were raving about 'Wham' and the various bands around at the time and I couldn't understand what all the fuss about, my 'thing' was horse riding not music at all. I actually forced myself to listen to pop music so that I would have something to talk to my friends about (weird I know!) and then I gradually got into it but it didn't come naturally at all. I was 17/18 before I really started to enjoy what was in the charts.


Music is a big passion of mine these days though, I've always been a late starter!


OMG, I forgot my hero, Billy Joel!!!!! :oops: He's one I would have LOVED to have seen in his prime!

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I'd love to see Midge Ure (with or without Ultravox) again.






I had my first crush on a guy I was dancing with to 'Dancing with tears in my eyes' *sigh* also had a thing for Midge Ure too, at the time.


Wonder if Midge can still 'do it'? Billy Joel's latest was rubbish, IMO, a big disappointment to me.

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Eighties music is not really "my scene" however "Mrs Clash City Rocker" was and still is, mad for it :roll: Spandau Ballet or Soft Cell being her favourites.

Not long after we met (1982) I took her to her first gig, a little known band called "Wham!" she had a copy of "Wham rap" a double A-sided vinyl single which a club in Worcester used to play regularly.

Wham! were promoting their new single "young guns (go for it)" when we saw them in a half full club in B'ham (Barbarellas I think?). The following week they appeared on Top of the Pops playing "young guns" the rest as they say "is history".

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Poet, it was Mighty Wah that i saw in Liverpool. Someone mentioned OMD. Paul Humphries from OMD was part of the support act at the latest Erasure concert along with Claudia Brucken who was in another 80's band whose name escapes me. They have an album out called Onetwo, instead. It's really good if you like the 80's pop.


Also, someone said that their missus is into Soft Cell. Wow!

I went to see them at UEA as well. Never seen so much leather, rubber and latex in one room before.

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I saw Pete Wylie (Wah, Wah Heat, Mighty Wah) playing in a band called "Dead Men Walking" with Mike Peters from the Alarm, Glen Matlock from the Sex Pistols, & Kirk Brandon from Spear of Destiny last year. They all take it in turns to play their own "hits" you get "Sinful" & "Story of the Blues" from Pete Wylie

Occasionally a chap (name unknown) from the "Stray Cats" also joins them and very occasionally Captain Sensible from the Damned who plays that "Punk" classic "Happy Talk"!!!!


I think Paul Humphries (OMD) is manager of Atomic Kitten or Sugababes these days?

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. Never seen so much leather, rubber and latex in one room before.


did you ever go to 'The Pink Parrot' in Liverpool? :D


They used to play The Damned in there a lot, I liked The Damned.

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No...I haven't visited The Pink Parrot. Do I assume that the aforementioned fabrics are in abundance there as well?


it's not there now but when it was, it was a Goth haunt, my sister was a goth (in the days when goths were proper goths! Quite scary!) and she dragged us along, so yes, you could say there was quite an abundance! :)

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So do you originally come from the Liverpool area. I know that we have chatted about Runcorn before.


I was born in liverpool, but never lived there however I can often be found there :)

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Born in Liverpool.


Does that make you a red or a blue?


red by default I suppose (parents support L'pool) but I hate football I'm afraid. Although I have been known to watch and enjoy one of the more important games of the season. Was it 2001 when they won the treble or something? we watched the game while we were in France and I came all over patriotic as they were playing against a French team at the time! We were in a bar on the campsite we were staying on and the atmosphere was brilliant because there were a lot of L'pool supporters there at the time, some of them were even French! :lol:

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We are all reds ... Mum was blue, bless her but the rest of us support Liverpool although I have been shown the red card and banned from watching the matches as we ALWAYS lose when I watch them. We visited Liverpool 2 years ago and got tickets to watch a pre season friendly against a bunch of eastern european part timers...and lost. My fault, of course according to the family. I also watched the first half of the european cup final when we were getting hammered. Gave up on the second half and we won. I suppose they might have a point.

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Would have loved to see Erasure! I never went to see any live music as a teen, it was completely beyond my comprehension,


I felt the same, all my peers were raving about 'Wham' and the various bands around at the time and I couldn't understand what all the fuss about, my 'thing' was horse riding not music at all. I actually forced myself to listen to pop music so that I would have something to talk to my friends about (weird I know!) and then I gradually got into it but it didn't come naturally at all. I was 17/18 before I really started to enjoy what was in the charts.


Music is a big passion of mine these days though, I've always been a late starter!


OMG, I forgot my hero, Billy Joel!!!!! :oops: He's one I would have LOVED to have seen in his prime!


:lol::lol: Yep, it was horses for me too! Life didn't exist outside a stable until I was 16! :lol:

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.... My fault, of course according to the family. .


my dad says if he sees a wedding car when Liverpool are playing it's an omen but I can't remember if he says it's a good one or bad one!? :?

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:lol::lol: Yep, it was horses for me too! Life didn't exist outside a stable until I was 16! :lol:


snap! I had posters of Palominos and Arabs (horses that is) on my wall, not Wham or Duran Duran! :lol:


I was allergic to them though so had to dose up on antihistamine(sp?) every time I went riding!


I went riding again years later, thinking I could pick up where I left off, couldn't walk for 3 days, never ridden a horse since! :lol::shock:


DH is scared of them and won't go near them. We went to some local stables to get our chickens' garlic powder and he kept muttering under his breath "horrible, nasty things..." :roll:

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OMG...Human League are playing UEA on 5th December and....wait for it....Onetwo, the band that toured with Erasure are their support act.


I have seen Human League a couple of times...used to be a huge fan in my youth and I met the ginger bloke when I was working in London (acted all cool as he explained who he was).


They are funny now. The blonde girl, Susan Sulley obviously thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread...even had a solo spot singing some countrified songs when I last saw them. The dark haired girl, Joanne Catherall (I think that's her name) who could never really sing was always getting filthy looks from Susan every time she missed a note. Susan would look at her, glance at Phil Oakey and laugh.


Might check to see if I can get tickets.

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