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Grumpy Old Women

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I went to see Grumpy Old Women at Sunderland Empire last night.


I took my 2 SIL's, we went shopping at the Metro centre, then tundled accross to Sunderland for tea and the show.


It was fantastic.


I highly recommend it, and we all recognised things that either we did or our mums :lol::lol::lol:


if you get chance - watch it.




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How fab Cathy, I tried to get tickets when they were down this way but it sold out so fast. I found a copy of the book in a charity shop and read it - it was hilarious, I think I annoyed everyone as I couldn't put it down and kept laughing out loud! It's terrible though, I kept thinking, "that's me", and "that's me too" the whole way through!


Mrs B

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