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The Imagined Village

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Has anyone heard this album - released in October?


It is absolutely stunning! Gobsmackingly innovative and brilliant.


its a collection of traditional folk stuff, totally reworked and redone by Martin and Eliza Carthy, Simon Emmerson, Chris Wood, Paul Weller, Billy Bragg, Sheila Chandra and ..... Benjamin Zephania, Trans Global Underground .....


Simon Emmerson is the Afro Celt musician/producer, Martin and Eliza Carthy are, well just folk icons, Benjamin Zephania, Paul Weller, Sheila Chandra - phenominal Asian singer ....


Versions of trad songs such as Acres of land, Cold Haily Rainy Night, John Barleycorn (can you believe Paul Weller doing John Barleycorn?), reworkings of Hard Times of old england, Death and the Maiden - and Benjamin Z's new version retelling of Tam Lyn is, well ... undescribable.


It is just a phenominal album and well well well worth the £7.99 itunes are selling it for.


and I don't get a cut for promoting it .... Rats :wink:


edited 'cos I didn't really mean to say 'phenomical'

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we're big folk fans, favourite group for years have been Capercaillie and I like some of the Afro Celt Sound System stuff. One of the ex members of Capercaillie is in the ACSS.


You have me intrigued, will see if the OH can download it.

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Maybe a present for OH :think:


I might have to do a shameless plug for the folk festival I am helping run (we're all unpaid volunteers and money goes on artists/venues)-which has the Gloworms from the Imagined album :wink:


If you like folk and are following this thread you may be interested.

A lot of people we know in Sheffield are on a CD called Forged in Sheffield, or have their own albums and do folk festivals which is quite cool. I've been to quite a few festivals with OH.

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