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OHNO!!!!!!!!! Childrens Chickens are cockerals

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Three of my children love chickens. One was obsessed so I relented in October and got them three Moran chickens and an eglu. Very sweet, very tame and it finally dawned on me this morning that two are looking way too much like cockerals to be Chickens.


This is genna be fun explaining that their pet chickens have to go and even more fun trying to find a dinner plate free home

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That a really good idea, I may try that tomorrow. All three were the same size and now two are much bigger. The two big ones have much bigger comes and longer fuller feathers around their neck. Thay have been doing a lot of posturing with each other and the smaller chicken keeps going off on its own! I know I did here one of them make a very cockeral type noise the other day - I think I blanked it out on purpose!!!!!

Such a shame, they are turning into lovely things and are so friendly. If we had land - I would keep them but we only have a smallish garden in the middle of the village. he last thing we need is babies.


I might go and see the lady. She was giving young chickens away as she has free range chickens that had snuck off and made out two many times. I know she is no longer giving them away but she may take pity on the boys!!!!!!

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If we had land - I would keep them but we only have a smallish garden in the middle of the village. he last thing we need is babies.


If its babies youre worried about not noise then all you have to do is collect the eggs each day. You wouldnt be able to keep two males in that situation though

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Same thing happened to me only we had 12 standard and 2 bantam cockeralls and we would have to return them from Bennington to Texas ( dn't think they take returns). It was very hard to find keepers to take 11 but eventually found a little farm that let's them free range with 1 other rooster. They all get along except the 1 rooster. When they are brothers they seem to fight less, they fight more though if they don't feel they have enough hens. One more might help but it could possibly just leave you with another chicken. I have 3 standards a blind standard and 4 bantams but I too might have to get rid of a bantam rooster out of 3 roosters b/c I can't get more hens and the two bantams fought and are stressing out the standard rooster. If you have to get rid of a rooster you could find a farm interested in breeding and just make sure they dn't kill the rooster after breeding season just keep them for the next. Ask a farm if they will let the rooster run free there if they have no dogs, the rooster could just walk around and coop in the barn with the farm animals. Just a few thoughts. If you don't find anything by the time I find an answer I will try and let you know other then that I'm sorry and know what you're going through. :?

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