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Guest chookiehen

Bread machine recipe for fruit loaf?

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Does anyone have a recipe for fruit loaf in the bread machine? I got given a second hand one, with no recipe, and while I can easily manage a 'normal' loaf, I have a real fancy for a fruit loaf, but don't have a recipe.


Can anyone help a poor, craving-ridden pregnant woman?! :D

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Mine is a Russell Hobbs Rapide and this recipe is from the book that came with it, it's a while since I made it but it is good:

Makes a 750g loaf

1 cup milk

2 tbsp butter

3 tbsp sugar

1 1/2 tsp salt

3 cups strong white bread flour

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp ground ginger

2 tsp yeast

3/4 cup mixed dried fruit (says to add at the 'add in' stage, but I think I used to chuck it all in at the beginning or it didn't all mix in properly)


Don't know about yours, but mine has a 'sweet' setting, alternatively the 'french' setting is the next nearest, or the 'basic' if you have neither of those! Hope this helps! 8)

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(says to add at the 'add in' stage, but I think I used to chuck it all in at the beginning or it didn't all mix in properly)


With ours you have to add fruit at the 'add in' stage when it beeps. We put it all in at the start once and it got so mashed up by the mixing that you really couldn't tell there was any fruit in it at all once it had finished baking :(



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