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Rabbits and Chickens

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I have a new bunny rescued from the RSPCA called Nutmeg and she chases my chickens. and tries to wind them up. I am worried they may try and peck her eyes as they often try and peck her as she goes by. Has anyone else got any experience of this.

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My bunnies mix well with the chooks, but I always watch to make sure that they don't get too close and get pecked - daft bunnies are liable to do this. One of my chooks decided to try the rablu run for size and the buns were inquisitive - she started pecking at them, so I had to get her out before they got their eyes pecked.


Best be safe and monitor it carefully Sam.

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Thanks for your comments. I think my bunny is now starting to tread on thin ice with the chickens as I found her in the eglu run with her paws up on the grub eating the chickens food. The chickens were not impressed and were clucking at her. I think close monitoring is definately required.

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