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Double Yolker!?!

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I had double-yolkers from one of mine when she had just started laying, I think it's usually due to their reproductive system not quite being settled. They were HUGE eggs though, so I was quite glad when she stopped producing them, I didn't think it could be good for her.


It happens because they start to produce two eggs at the same time, and then when it gets to the point where the shell is made they both get wrapped in one shell - that's my understanding, anyway!


Very eggciting.

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I think it's usually due to their reproductive system not quite being settled. .


we used to get our eggs from a free range lady that came to Ian's workplace and he asked her about double yolkers and that's exactly it, it only happens in hens that are just starting to lay and haven't got the hang of it, so to speak ;)

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