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Help needed to decide what chickens to get..

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HI guys i have now convinced the other half to get some chooks. The eglu will be coming soon and the last thing i needed to do is decide what chooks to get. I have a toddler and two cats so am thinking bigger may be better. My only other concern is that they will be in a run most of the time and not roaming the garden (other half is building a 10ft by 5ft)... Any thoughts on good breeds would be much appreciated..

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A standard-sized hen will easily see off your cats - my Burmese used to play at stalking them, but one 'Jurassic Park' stare from a chicken and they would quickly change their minds! And your toddler can be taught to be gentle with animals - once the birds are in lay they will crouch and let you stroke them :)


Re breeds, I would second the Speckledy as a nice friendly hen and a good egg-layer. That's the only standard breed I've owned for any length of time, as I now have bantams (they seem a better fit in my rather small garden). Most of the hybrids are fairly placid, it seems, but hens are individuals so you can't guarantee you'll get all calm birds.


You could comfortably keep three or perhaps four hens in a 10' x 5' run, even if they have to stay in most of the time, as that's about twice the size of the eglu run. So you could have a couple from the well-known hybrid breeds and maybe something interesting like a Columbine or Heritage Skyline, which lay blue/green eggs! Having breeds that lay different-coloured eggs is not only fun, it makes it easier to tell who is in lay and who is not, especially when you're a beginner!

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speaking from this weeks limited experience... avoid Bluebells, mine is a right bully

but then others will say different :D


I like the Light Sussex, she's still a bit shy and nervous but will let you stroke her

the Blackrock legs it if you go near her but gets on well with the Sussex


as already mentioned, they're individuals so it's really pot luck... so good luck :D

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speaking from this weeks limited experience... avoid Bluebells, mine is a right bully

but then others will say different :D


I like the Light Sussex, she's still a bit shy and nervous but will let you stroke her

the Blackrock legs it if you go near her but gets on well with the Sussex


as already mentioned, they're individuals so it's really pot luck... so good luck :D



Isn't it strange how the same breed can vary so? My bluebelle is a placid, gentle soul who all the others bully!

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Thanks for all the ideas guys, this forum is so great picked up so much from looking through it. Was thinking that 3-4 would be a perfect number so i will get my other half going on building this run asap.


So where do you guys suggest i get my chickens from, i am based in Surrey so any ideas would be much appreciated.

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Hi Clare,


Southmead Poultry which are a small family business near Leatherhead are very good & extremely helpful, I bought my last four hens there. Their website gives details on breeds available, personalities, egg production & prices etc, you'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the homepage to access the menu! :)



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