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rethinking convalesant house for ex bats

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Hi, OH has built a temp, henhouse for our ex bats which we will collect in March. We decided to use the temp house in the conservatory because we realise the hens will not be able to climb the eglu cube ladder until they have regained their strength. However, I'm having second thoughts now. At the moment I am thinking that if we put the eglu cube into the Conservatory, we can lift them into the cube at night. Also, if we attach some wood behind the cube ladder, this may help them to climb. The thing is, I do'nt want them to be disturbed again by introducing a new home after they have got used to the temporary one. Advice would be very much appreciated please.

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Thank you for replying. Yes, the conservatory is huge but............it certainly a'int posh. I call it the 'shack at the back' lol It also doubles up for a potting shed, hanging washing on rainy days,........and a nice cosy home for our hens when they arrive. Yes, the more I think about it, it would be best to put them staight into the cube. Hubby has also suggested that we do'nt put the legs on the cube for a couple of weeks, as it will be in a run we have made. All I think is chicken at the moment!!!

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Could you make a ramp :?: with treads to sit over the top of the ladder at a lesser angle for the time being. maybe they could negociate a slope better (walking not climbing as such) and it would mean going straight into the environment in which they will spend the rest of their happy days

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We rescued some ex-batts on monday and they are stronger then we thought they were going to be. i have just spent 15mins fighting a battle to get them to go out. :evil: They have perked up no end and have been stretching and even one had a dust bath today. I could have cried it was so touching. I thought she was dead at first though so that was a fright. :shock:

Good luck when you get yours in March.

Trig x

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Hi, yes the sloping ramp seems a good idea. I'm glad to know your ex bat hens are stronger than what you thought they would be. I put the cube up in the back yeasterday.....so huuge! I mean, I've seen pictures of it, measurered our space for it, but to actually see it constructed is totally different. Talk about a penthouse lol. It will all work out. I think what it is,,,it's all theory at the moment. Once we've collected the hens, because I've done alot of homework, it will all fit into place.

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