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roost in nest box

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hi again, sorry to ask more questions. tonight is third night of havin my chooks, every thing seems to be going ok althogh have not seen alot of them due to work :( they are happily taking themselves to bed before i get home about six though do get a fright at first cos i cant find them. as you probably guessed they are huddled up together in the nest box. do i just leave them alone or do i need to try and keep them out as i have seen on some previous posts.i have four chooks in a cube.


thanks again

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My original girls all sleep on the roosting bars. However, my bantams all sleep in the nesting box of their eglu and the ex-batts all sleep in the nesting box of their cube. I have given up really. I change their straw daily so that it's always fresh in the morning and I figure that's all I can do.

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Hi, I seem to remember someone suggesting putting a downturned box into the nestng area to encourage the hens to perch at night. Then removing it each morning. I'm planning to do that when my hens are collected. I think especially with ex bats the nest box would be sooo cosy. But I really want my hens to start perching asap. I'm also thinking of getting a rubber egg to go into the nesting box in the cube.....just to show them what it's for. Of course,this is all theory to me until they arrive. So this idea will probably go out of the window lol!

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When I first got mine they were happy on the roosting bars then they got the liking for the nesting box. I now put in an upturned washing up bowl before they go to bed and now they have gone back to the bars. I take it out again when they get up in the morning.


If they lay before they are let out, they just deposit the egg on the bars.



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