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Hatching Chicks!

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i am going mad pulling my hair out!


i am hatching some chicks with a broody hen and have her in a rabbit hutch with the eggs under her


1- is there enough space in a standard hun untill the chicks are about 1-2 weeks old or will they need more by then?


2- will they be ok in wood shavings in the hutch?


3- when i let them out into a small enclosure with their mum will they be ok on bark?


please help me!

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Hi CockADoodleDoo


If the broody is happy in the hutch they will be fine for 2-3 weeks,


when we hatched last year we used woodshavings with no problem (Just change it daily)


Regarding bark - I have no idea but I'm sure they will be ok but I'm sure someone else will be along to offer advice on this,

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