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Blood thirsty

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My cat Ziggy yesterday caught a female blackbird who I think may have been nesting at the bottom of the garden :(


She and Scamp were playing with it and tossing feathers everywhere right outside the chicken run and i thought that the chooks might be a bit :shock: but when I let them out later they found some blood splashes on a paving stone and started lapping them up so the I was :shock:


Fortunately I had removed what remained of the bird i them quickly wiped up the blood because I was a bit worried disease wise but so much for traumatised chickens :?

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although I love my hens sometimes you do see another side to them that reminds you of their ancestors (dinosaurs?). When our lovely Pecky was very poorly, horrible Scratchy (her 'sister' for 18 months whom she spent every waking and sleeping moment with) decided to peck at her comb and draw blood. Which she, Scratchy, just couldn't get enough of. Obviously we seperated them and poor Pecky was not long for this world and passed away soon after. Not much mourning went on in oue Eglu methinks.

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