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What sort of run is best?

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Hi, this is my first post on the site and I am am soon to be a hen mother!

I want to get this right before I start so that I can order my Cube and get it in the run. Do most people have an enclosed run. ie one with a roof or is it better to have a run that is just an area that would be fenced in? The area is grass at the moment but by all accounts this will not remain like that for long so what would be the best solution once it is just mud?


Am really looking forward to getting the chickens and decided on a Cube because I know already that I will want more than my limit of 4 I have set myself.


Can any one advise on colours. Thought I would go for Green but now thinking that is a bit boring. My daughter wants Pink!


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Welcome to the forum! :lol:


I am planning to get a walk in run soon.....with a roof. Just in case ...re bird flu, if we have to keep them under cover....and to keep the little darlings dry. :lol:


I am a great fan of **Aubiose** for the run.


I have green Eglus...I bought them so as not to be so much of a culture shock, but now I think they are a bit boring. I am going for the purple cube as it is so beautiful. :lol:

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its all personal choice really. We had the omlet runs for over 18 months and they were fine. We have just built a walk in run 12x6 feet and our hens and us love it as the run floor stays lovely and dry and I dont worry about my little darlings when im at work!! :lol:


We use hemcore in the run which is almost the same as eglutine's aubiose and i would highly recommend it.


I would just work out the pro's and cons of what works best for you and take into consideration - do you have room/expense/do you want to move the run/etc etc and see what you prefer. :D

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Thanks for the reply. Hadn't thought about keeping them dry and me too when I rush out to go collect those tasty eggs on a wet morning!


Yes I like the Orange or Purple. We will have to see who gets the final vote in our house.


One other thing, would you recommend getting a run with the Cube or just get the cube as we are going to be making them a specific run for them anyway?

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