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Applying Louse powder and Red Mite powder

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So, I know that I'm supposed to make sure the girls are powdered with Louse POwder and red MIte powder (or am I? Please correct me if I'm wrong!).


My questions are:

(1) How often

(2) Do I need to do them separately, or can I dose them with both on the same day

(3) My tubs of these products are tall, talcum powder type shakers. How on earth do I get an even distruibution with a cardboard tube?!

(4) I heard tell of some sort of puffer thing. Anyone know where I can get one?


Thanks for your help. OI;m sure I'm going to have more questions over the next few days, as i try and put the theory I thought I knew into practice.



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Red mite powder is supposed to kill lice as well so I'm not sure you need both.


The powder is not harmful so you cant overdose the chooks and can do them both at the same time. I must admit its not easy getting full and even coverage on them so I tend to put the powder in their dust bath and nest area and let them "do it themselves" as a preventative. I would only bother to dust the hens now if I had evidence of a mite/lice problem.


The red mite powder does smell lovely though :lol:

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Ditto. :lol:


Re the puffer....I decanted some red mite powder into an old talcum powder thingy....plastic with "squeezable"side....and use that.


Every so often I have a rush of blood to my head and grab them all and "dose" them. They are less than impressed, but they do smell nice.


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