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Maisie Isn't Getting Any Better

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Hi - Can anyone please give some advice about Maisie.

Maisie wasn't at all well last week - lethargic, dirty bottom and very runny diarrhoea - so I took her to the vet on Tuesday. The vet seemed to know less about chooks than I did. She took her temperature and said that she had never seen such a high reading EVER before. I said that chooks run high - she went and checked this and then said that Maisie's temperature was normal!!

The vet gave me some worming lotion and a "broad spectrum antibiotic". We have been dosing Maisie with the antibiotic twice a day since Tuesday.

She seemed to be getting a little better but has gone backwards today.

She is just standing in the run - rather than racing around the garden as usual - is not interested in anything - even her favourite tinned corn. Her feathers are all puffed up and she keeps closing her eyes.

I am very worried and don't know what to do. Any advice would be very much appreciated.

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My chicken had exactly the same. We took her to the vets and were given some medicine. She might just be having an off day. see wat shes like tommrow, mine had of days. If she doesnt get any better take her to the vets again and see wat they say.



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hope she picks up soon.


Aside from the worming and the antibiotics which is being done there isnt a lot else i can suggest.


maybe she will respond to the antibiotics soon.


I use Avipro which a lot of forum users have as a pick me up for poorly hens.

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