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The Bantam of the Opera

ex batt advice please

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any of you who have ex batts i need some advice as i am getting some in march. (super excited)


i am planning on keeping them in the eglu run with my other chickens free ranging around the outside until they get used to eachother and i can let them all roam together, might have to wait an extra long time though because i have 2 cockerels.


is this a sensible plan or not? :S


also, is ther anything special i need to do at first when theyre still weak?i just wnat to make them as happy as possible. any special food i can give them?


should i keep them well away from my current flock and treat them for mites and things?




any extra advice is welcome!

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Hi, we kept ours entirely seperate for over a month, probably a bit over cautious but there you go. Partly because we had housing problems, they all free range together now but they still sleep seperately and will do for another week or so. I reckon they could have all gone in together after about three weeks, once they'd got the hang of each other outside. They should be fine for worms and mites and stuff because they get so vaccinated and stuff in the battery houses. I think it also depends on how oven ready yours are, ours weren't too bad, only one was quite bare the others had bald patches but some covering and were actually quite in yer face when they met our other girls.


SO what I'm really saying is, suck it and see, but best to have somewhere else for the to go for at least a wekk I would say.


There you go. Clear as mud! :lol:


Mrs Bertie

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at night the batts will be in the eglu and my other 5 sleep in my wooden chicken house, sorry if that wasnt very clear. ive got a wooden chicken house which came with a run but only a very small one and ive got the eglu spare now as all the chickens are sleeping in there.


thanks loads mrs. bertie. i didnt know they were vaccinated at the farms. :oops: pretty obvious really.

yeah ill keep them apart until everyones okay and then introduce them. i read somewhere that you have to wait till their legs get stronger until theymeet cockerels so i might wait a month as well.


will my cockerels stop being friendly if there are new girls to fight over?



getting excited now i just need to think of some names. :P

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