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I learnt something at my own Hen Party

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Proof that you can always learn something new :) . A lovely chap came to my Hen Party today (a personal one as he couldn't come yesterday!) and told me that apparently a fox is the only animal that will not smash and eat a raw egg where it finds it. It will take it away to eat elsewhere.


So, you can find out if you have foxes by leaving out an egg. If it's smashed and eaten, you don't have foxes but you do have something else (unless the fox was a bit slow getting there :roll:) . If it's disappeared you have foxes (or a sneaky neighbour :lol: ).


Anyone confirm this :? ?

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What amazing photos :D . What a shame foxes love chickens so much - they are beautiful animals :?


Those were fantastic photos - and he was a handsome devil, wasn't he? Luckily for me, the foxes round here have so many rabbits (and pheasants and partridges) to eat, they don't venture into the city suburbs much.


I do know that foxes bite off the chicken's larger feathers before eating it, whereas a bird of prey will pull them out, so feathers with bitten shafts are a good sign of a fox (if you don't have anything else to go on).


Actually, I wouldn't put it past a rat to roll an egg away rather than eat it out in the open - or am I just thinking of an incident in "Charlotte's Web"? :)

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Love foxes where we are moving to their is a fox (male) that comes into the garden, we saw him when we were having a look at our new home to be and he was sooooo beautiful and handsome (just like Mr Todd)! It hurts to know that I won't want him in the garden because of the chickens :cry: but maybe when I make some friends in Norwich they might have a fox that vists them in the garden, then I could go down to theirs and get some photos.


With rats they prob will pull it off to a safe place, I use to keep, breed and show pet rats (I noticed someone on this forum keeps Dumbos, I had a litter of them they are sooo cute!) they would normally grab the egg and pull it into a corner or their bed.

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At 4.30am this morning, I was woken by a vixen in my neighbour's garden making that terrible whining banshee cry. She was standing by the fence, right alongside the chicken run on my side of the fence. It was enough to make one's blood run cold, knowing that she was there because she was thinking of a chicken dinner.


I let the dog out (he was barking his head off and wanted to investigate the noise, anyway), and he made a beeline for the corner between the chicken run and the fence. The vixen ran off.


I am going to have to be so careful. ':('

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