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little chickadee

What I've been knitting

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I seemed to get lots of people to get their knitting needles out of storage with the ex-batt jumper pattern and wondered if people are going to carry on knitting now?


Last night I knitted lots of pieces of food for Mr. Twit's beard (National Book Day)




I've also knitted a Hairy Toe. No pattern - I was quite pleased with myself!



My son loves the book "The hairy Toe" which is basically about an old woman who finds a big hairy toe in her vegetable patch when she's collecting beans and takes it home with her to put by her bedside (I don't know why!!!) The monster who has lost the toe then comes back looking for it at night time...............


At the moment I am knitting the chicken toy which Richard kindly sent me ages ago. I'm not sticking to the wool it says to use, but using s"Ooops, word censored!"s. Should be fun.

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Here we are. Richard sent me the pattern, not the toy by the way.

This is the chicken when made by a professional! Mine will probably look quite different!!!! So far I've knitted the head, breast, bloomers and the bottom part of the skirt. Never knitted gingham before !! :lol:




Cathy. I've popped a copy in the post with your cd!

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I love it too! In answer to your question ... my first ChuxTux rushed off the needles, unfortunately the second one is still at the ribbing stage, been too busy (sorry Lesley :oops: ). However it has really inspired me to get knitting again.


I am going to have a go at a few more small things, and then maybe venture onto an Aran jumper for my friend who works out-of-doors all year round ... she has requested NOT traditional cream, so it won't be in true Aran wool, but I really fancy a go at cable again, it's surprising how it all comes back even though it's about 20 years since I last knitted.


I've also found this site, here and apologies if it's already been quoted on here because I can't remember how I came across it, but it has some great tips for casting off, decreasing etc.

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