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Permanent target?

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I let my lot out to free-range this morning, and things were fine at first - but then I saw Pepper chase Esme round the back of the eglu run and corner her behind the propped-open door. She jumped on her and pinned her down, and started pecking at her face, so of course I immediately broke it up before Esme got hurt, and put Pepper into the run to cool off.


Looking back, though, I'm wondering if the problem isn't Esme's colouring. Her comb, wattles and eye area are bright red against a solid black background, and it's noticeable that Pepper attacks her more than she does little Gytha whose comb is still pale. Since I can hardly spray Esme's face with tar, I'm not sure what can be done to stop the pecking :(

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Gosh...she is a pest isn't she?


Have you got a sin bin that you can put her in for a few days, where she can see and hear the others but not get at them?


When I merged my two little flocks, I put them right along side each other for a while, so that the got used to the sight, sound and smell of each other, and I scattered treats in the "No Mans Land "between them so that they became accustomed to sharing food.


One day I simply removed the barrier, and a part from about half a dozen skirmishes (caused by Atilla), broken up by me wielding a broom, peace has broken out.


Might be worth trying this approach.

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Gosh...she is a pest isn't she?


Have you got a sin bin that you can put her in for a few days, where she can see and hear the others but not get at them?








Couldn't use it outside yesterday, of course, but I think it should be OK today.


When I merged my two little flocks, I put them right along side each other for a while, so that the got used to the sight, sound and smell of each other, and I scattered treats in the "No Mans Land "between them so that they became accustomed to sharing food.


One day I simply removed the barrier, and a part from about half a dozen skirmishes (caused by Atilla), broken up by me wielding a broom, peace has broken out.


Might be worth trying this approach.


That's how I integrated them last time, but the weather's been so horrible the last few days, it hasn't been possible - I don't want to put any of the chickens where they can't get to somewhere snug and warm, and I only have the one eglu. Getting a spare, or even an ark, just isn't an option in my tiny garden (we don't even have a garage!).

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It's still very, very early days yet. I'm a big wuss :roll: so I kept my 2 new big girls seperated but within sight of the old two for 10 days before I let them out together. I used an old hutch I got off freecycle as temporary housing, although now the big girls have a nice new house (with 3 nest boxes :wink: ) and the bantams are in the eglu - just as well cos the hutch fell apart yesterday! :oops:

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I realise it's early days - it's just the nature of the violence that's worrying. If I hadn't stopped them, Esme could have been seriously injured or even killed :(


Anyway, they're all split up now. Pepper is in the naughty cage, and the eglu run is divided as per my previous introductions, with Esme and Gytha at the eglu end and Nutmeg and Angelica at the door end with an apple to keep them amused. I'm going to focus on getting the four of them integrated and worry about what to do with Ms Psycho Breeches later :)

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I have to say that Pepper has never been terribly sweet-tempered! She quickly established herself as top hen when I bought her, and has taken to pecking my hands (really quite hard - she broke the skin on Saturday!) on the off-chance I might have treats - and Angelica follows her lead :roll:

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