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i would love 2 more chickens

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Just beware Debbie - it never wears off, you always want more! :lol: I am up to full capacity with ten, but it doesn't stop me trying to work out how I can fit more in :lol:



i think i still have so much to learn still and need to learn of what i got and im hoping u guys :lol: hope u all agree with me :oops: and help me to sort this out as i really still want to keep them hubby is saying see i told u so

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it's very tempting to get more but you have to consider the health and comfort of the girls you already have. Would you have enough room for more? I saw the pics of your run and it looks adequate for 6 but not more than that, unless you're planning to extend it?

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I know the feeling Debbie - I really wanted a gold partridge pekin, but :evil: superjules bought Thornes' last one (actually I'm not at all cross with her - if she hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known they had any). The two I got are absolutely adorable, but now I'm thinking, "Hmm, if I got a 9' x 6' walk-in run I could have a whole eglu full of pekins in an assortment of colours..." :dance:




You'll just have to buy some chickenalia (anything decorated with chickens) to satisfy your cravings without annoying your LSH!

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it's very tempting to get more but you have to consider the health and comfort of the girls you already have. Would you have enough room for more? I saw the pics of your run and it looks adequate for 6 but not more than that, unless you're planning to extend it?

we could prob get one more in but i dont want to push my luck at introducing 2 as then i think id be at my very limit so at min gonna stick to what i have and gain more experience etc

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