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free theatre seats

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I've just learned that many theatres will give wheelchair users discounted tickets & the chair pusher can come along free, you need to book over the phone & reserve places. also if you have a blue badge they will reserve free parking places for you. I've just applied for my blue badge because I will be wearing a leg brace for the next year or so & will need crutches or a chair depending on where I am going so I think I will make the most of it :D

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absolutley - I use this all the time and my husband and I always say it's the real plus point of being disabled!! You can skip queues and get fabulous seats for half the price. We have been to concerts where we wouldn't normally have even condidered buying tickets because of this, and although we don't go out very often because of babysitting, it's a great thing to know about.


Anne - I really hope you get a badge, but don't be too surprised if you don't. I know a lot of people with M.E who have had problems because it's " not a permenant disability" (people can get better from it) This is because the pass is for 4 years and can save unscrupulous people a lot of money on parking fees if they use them. If you have put that you will only be disabled for 1 year, they may chose not to give you one. (they don't give out ones for shorter periods :( ) I've been really lucky and got the last 3 I've applied for, but wait with baited breath when I'm waiting for them to come, even though I couldn't really function without one.


Don't worry if you don't get one though as you don't need a blue badge to get these tickets if you are a wheelchair user. I have never been asked to prove that I am disabled or if I have a blue badge.


Did anyone hear about the bloke who was caught selling a disabled ticket on ebay for the Led Zepplin concert and getting non-disabled people to bid for it, telling them how to pretend they were disabled :shock:

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absolutley - I use this all the time and my husband and I always say it's the real plus point of being disabled!! You can skip queues and get fabulous seats for half the price. We have been to concerts where we wouldn't normally have even condidered buying tickets because of this, and although we don't go out very often because of babysitting, it's a great thing to know about.


Anne - I really hope you get a badge, but don't be too surprised if you don't. I know a lot of people with M.E who have had problems because it's " not a permenant disability" (people can get better from it) This is because the pass is for 4 years and can save unscrupulous people a lot of money on parking fees if they use them. If you have put that you will only be disabled for 1 year, they may chose not to give you one. (they don't give out ones for shorter periods :( ) I've been really lucky and got the last 3 I've applied for, but wait with baited breath when I'm waiting for them to come, even though I couldn't really function without one.


Don't worry if you don't get one though as you don't need a blue badge to get these tickets if you are a wheelchair user. I have never been asked to prove that I am disabled or if I have a blue badge.


Did anyone hear about the bloke who was caught selling a disabled ticket on ebay for the Led Zepplin concert and getting non-disabled people to bid for it, telling them how to pretend they were disabled :shock:



He is doing what? thats discraceful :x I have only asked for my blue badge form today so your info will be really useful, I will be needing crutches even after the brace comes off in a year or so, I'm 47 very small frame & needed of lots of steroids for brittle asthma for many years so my bones are not up to much & the surgery has taken a lot longer to settle than expected. So I will have a word with my very good GP to word things properly to reflect my situation.

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