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When is the best time to feed?

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Hi Guys,


Can somebody tell me the best time to feed our chickens and how often? I have a food bowl sitting outside in the run which is constantly full with Mash... I also have a bowl inside for my girl who is not brave enough to join her buddies... "but sure she will soon".


I've read that I can feed them warm porridge if I mix it up with water. Is this a good idea and if so should this be given in the AM as breakfast or for Dinner? or should they even have 2 meals a day???


God I probably sound like a real wally! :oops:

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Hi Scotty,


I now share my porridge with the girls in the morning, I mix it in with their layers mash and they love it, by the time I get back from work in the afternoon every little bit has gone :lol:. I make my porridge with water purely because I'm not a big milk fan.

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No you not a wally!! we all have to start from the beginning, we are only in our third week but learning fast. We have layers pellets for ours which are left in the run all day. We do not give ours treats like corn or mealworms til the afternoon so that they get a good fed up on the pellets.


I would personally give the porridge in the afternoon or an hour before bedtime. I am gonna try ours on the porridge soon. Must be made with water though not milk.

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any treats in our house are given after lunch to ensure they've been good and eaten their pellets/mash :)


I would class porridge as a treat along with mixed corn/raisins/grapes/veg etc. My lot have organic mixed corn before bed, but im sure people give their girls porridge at teatime especially if its a chilly night.

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