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We had our first fox last night...

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What a fright! - Mr Fox came poking his nose in where it definitely wasn't wanted last night, and god he was a big fox! I'm glad to say our (cube green) kept the girls nice and safe. Thankyou Omlet you have a great design going here!


Have just put out some warm porridge for my girlies will let you all know what they think of my "cooking"

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We have foxes where we live too. However, Kayte my collie keeps them away. Are your hens able to climb up the cube ladder OK? I would love to know, so please tell me. At present, we have the cube on the conservatory floor. Our ex bats are in a poor condition so I'm waiting until they get strong to raise up he cube and fix on the ladder.

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Yes all but 1 "Flossy" seem to be happy to hop in and out without any help from us. It seems as soon as Margot comes out then Barbara and Gerty will follow. Flossy is shy. The two brave girls walk up and down the ladder happily, Gerty seems to walk a few steps and then just launches herself of the side, but going in at night seems fine, they seem to know exactly what to do.


I think Flossy is getting braver, she has stuck her head out of the door 3 times now so maybe tomorrow....

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Oh that's great to hear. We might bring our time forward to this Saturday to put the cube on the wheels and attach the ladder. Our hens, although in a poorly condition, do'nt appear to have anything wrong with their legs. In fact last night they were jumping up all over the place! It was really funny. Twice now, when I've had the temp.roof of the run up 2 have jumped onto the cube, so I guess they will be alright. Mine have been dustbathing and sunbathing all day. Great to see them acting normally and enjoying life.

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Yes its an absolute delight to watch them, Im not getting a bit work done. Its so heart warming to watch them scratching around on the grass, and when they see something new for the first time it's hysterical. My cat Oscar has been watching them (having never seen a chicken before) and Im sure the Hens were just as baffled as him.


I've just given them some porridge and they have gobbled it all up. Nice and warm in their tummy's


So is your cube in out outside yet?

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No yet. It's still in the conservatory(not a posh one paving slab floor) with a smaller temp. run. o I think we will be moving them out soon. I have to be careful though because, one of the hens Lucy is mainly featherless and it might be too cold for her. Though having said that she is so lively and dare I say...plucky!

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