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Dreadful weather... Dilema??

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Hi experts...


Its dreadful weather out there today, what do you do with your ladies if its pouring with rain and blowing a gale... do you just leave the door of the cube open and let them get on with it or do you close up shop and let them snuggle up? I hate to think of them being trapped inside when they've just had freedom?


Also - how much bedding do you put into the cube - should I be replacing this each day so its nice and "puffy" or let them tread it all down like an old sofa? - We've been advised to use shredded paper is that enough?

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Leave 'em to it.....if they want to go in they will. :lol:


The can always shelter underneath it too.


I'm not a massive fan of shredded paper myself.....I find it very quickly goes manky and soggy.......and cold and flat.


Why not put some Aubiose in....it is super absorbent and fluffs up nicely.

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I usually put mine back in the run when it's really cold and wet, as they are often too daft to come in out of the rain - but my run is covered anyway. They do hide in the eglu when it's really horrid and windy, though, like when we had gales earlier in the month...

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I always leave the door to the eglu open so the girls can get up when they want to. I have a green taurpaulin over the run which is folded in half during ok weather. When the weather is forcast to be awful I unfold the taurpaulin to cover the whole run and the girls shelter under it when they've had enough. That's usually when they are soaked through mind. :D

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