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"pecking" order

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Are the chooks feeling spring in the air too? My girls came in 2 halves - Speck and freck came a year or so before Puzz and Fuzz, and the latter 2 have always been the under-chooks, but yesterday, Puzz has started to really pick on Freck, who is Matriach of all she surveys.


Freck is obviously disturbed at this, and Speck is doing her thing to help (ie pecking the littlies at every oppertunity), but is the really anything I can do? I assume I have to let them get on with it and find their "pecking order" (pardon the pun!)


Any advice?

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They do a bit of re-grouping from time to time.


As younger ones mature, and older ones age, and changes such as moulting coming into lay etc occur. it can upset the pecking order.


It is generally nothing to worry about, unless one hen suddenly becomes bullied.


Just occasionally a sick hen can find itself bottom of the pile, in which case it might be worth examining a hen that was previously "top dog".

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