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do you wet your Auboise?

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I have read that you sprinkle the auboise with water, Is this just for horses or for the chickens too?


I have just bought my 1st bale for the egg port (as the girls were eating the shredded paper) But wondering do I just pop it in or wet it (Which seems strange as it is supposed to be absorbent?)



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You don't need to wet it for chickens.


You need to wet it when you are using it as stable bedding as the volume (and potency) of horse urine it has to soak up is incredible. What you are trying to do in a stable is get the aubiose to soak all that urine down to the bottom.


When you're using it in a chicken run, its really there just to wrap itself around the chicken poos, there is no urine to deal with.

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