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new chooks not eating or drinking much

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:( WE bought two new hens on friday. one speckled and one Light Sussex. they are very active and walking round the run. Eating mixed corn as a treat in the afternoon but do not seem to be eating much of the pellet food or drinking much. They both seem to be happy but just a bit worried about the eating and drinking should we be concerned? (white chicken)PP Mnay thanks
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Hello...they won't eat much until they come into lay...and then their appetites will really take off!


As long as they are pottering about happily and are drinking and eating something, they will be fine.


They may be a little unsettled by the move, too. :lol:

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I got my chooks on Friday, Saturday afternoon I was worried as I hadn't seen 4 of them drink anything, they kept walking straight past the drinkers, I tried pouring more water into one of them - hoping they'd notice the running water and come and drink - well the drinker overflowed and I had a scrum of chickens trying to drink from the puddle on the ground ! I fetched a biscuit tin lid and filled that with water, placed it on top of the puddle and and they drunk from that for 5 mins solid - poor things were thirsty, just didn't want to drink from the new drinkers ! so maybe try a puddle on the floor !

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