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G-pig toys

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I was wondering whether anyone can recomend toys that their g-pigs like? Mine have endless tunnels (which they LOVE) and I give them piles of hay to bury under, but apart from that, I've never really found anything that seems to interest them.



Any ideas?

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I have something called a guinea pig kabob (you can get the same thing for rabbitss).


Its like a skewer with a bell on the end. You twist off the bell and skewer food onto it. Mine hangs from the top of the cage.


My two boys love it when I put tomatoes and cucumber on it - they have to work to get their food as it involves having to stretch up to reach the highest bit of food.


It also comes with wooden pictures of food for them to knaw on.

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I order quite a lot from this site




my guinea pigs loved the hay stuffed balls etc, and the hay stuffed do-nut. The balls last ages - you can just keep re-stuffing them. They also like the large willow bendable stick things that you can bend into tunnels etc. They like to jump up on them and run through them.


Everything in their cage is natural and chewable.

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