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Pecking order problems!

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I've had two separate 'flocks' of 2 and 3 chickens side by side in separate Eglus since October. They've free-ranged together at weekends for a few hours at a time, and I hoped integrating them into the Cube would be straightforward.


I put them in when it arrived so I could see the interaction, there was the odd peck on the back of the neck for Hilda and Siggy, who are both smallest and youngest although they are 18 months old, but it seemed ok. Yesterday morning it still wasn't too bad, I was at work all day. I noticed last night that those two were sleeping in the nest-box, and the others were in the main roosting area.


This morning it was obvious that there was some serious bullying, particularly of Siggy. They all came out of the Cube, but those two then retreated back into it after being chased away from the feeders. I put some extra pots of pellets in the run, but eventually I decided to remove the two biggest bullies and put them back in the Eglu for now.


Typically, I have to leave for work any minute now and won't be back till about 7.30 pm today. I know received wisdom is to let them get on with it but I am worried about leaving them all day together like this.


Advice please! Should I just put lots of food stations in and leave them to it, should I isolate just the ringleader (I felt bad about putting her in the Eglu on her own all day, which is why I put No.2 chicken in with her) - what to do? At least at the weekend I can check on them regularly. Should I block the nesting box so they all have to sleep together? *sigh* I thought this was going to be easy!

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When I introduced the three brahmas to the rest of the girls, I had them separated for a few days in another pen in the garden whilst the others free ranged around them. Then after that I put the brahmas intio the cube late at night and then I just let them get on with it. It was difficult though and although there was pecking, no blood was drawn.


However, your girls are used to each other already to a certain extent. Check them over tonight when you get home. If the feathers are still mostly intact and there are no injuries, you should be ok.

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A couple of days in the slammer will alter the dynamic of the group and they will come back as underdogs and might not be so bolshy.


If it were me I'd leave them there for a few days, so that the others have a chance to re-group.


It is hard to watch sometimes isn't it?

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