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Finally settling down

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After quite a bit of pecking, it seems Queenie has finally settled down. Her confidence is growing - she doesn't duck down so much, and she's confident to eat in Vivienne's presence. Viv isn't pecking her so much... and last night, a real milestone was met when they both popped into the eglu together at dusk, without any clucking or fighting! They were snuggled up together. Still not the best of friends, but felt I should post as I'm happy Queenie is settling in.

Oh, and I'll just post another picture of her. Not a very good one, as it was taken on my phone camera, but you can see her markings a little better as she enjoys herself out and about - just 5 minutes later, she was making her own dustbath!!


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Mmm she's been preening too, which I read somewhere was a good sign that the hen was happy and relaxed? I think I've got that right... and she seemed very happy having a dustbath in the sunshine yesterday while Vivienne laid her egg :roll:

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Just some more pics of the two girls together....





Only saw Vivienne peck at her once when Queenie went in for some grub :roll: But that's understandable. It wasn't nasty, more a "Just you remember which chook is in charge!!" peck :lol: Vivienne and Fifi were never the greatest of chums, mainly because Fifi used to just try and boss Vivienne around and Viv wouldn't have any of it. But I felt Queenie's crop, and it's very full. She sure does eat a lot :shock: I think she's eating lots as she's a growing bird :lol:

But maybe these two will be buddies?

They aren't in the garden yet because it's such a miserable day and they're still eating their breakfast grub :) Just as well I cleaned them out yesterday, when the sun was shining!!

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OH!! I forgot to say, Vivienne has part of her top beak missing. She always has done - we were concerned when we first got her, but she has coped wlel with it, e.g eating with her head tipped to one side so she can grab the pellets. But she had great difficulty pecking at things directly on the floor.

Has anyone else had a chook with a broken beak?

You can kind of make it out in the top picture I posted.

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