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Help! Chickens won't go in/out of eglu

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Hi, we're new to chicken keeping and picked up our first chickens yesterday :D but seem to be having a few settling in problems :( . I'd be really grateful for any advice as am getting really worried they will starve/die of thirst if they don't come out soon!


1. They don't recognise the peanut feeders and won't use them

When they arrived they spent most of the day in a huddle in a corner of the flower bed within the run. They did eventually start to scratch and forage in the bed and eventually ventured into the rest of the run. However they don't seem to recognise that the peanut feeders contain food and water. I eventually caved in and put water and food in plastic containers around the run so they could get something to eat and drink. We also hand fed them corn and grain which they loved.


2. The big blue bossy one is bullying the little red one - chasing her away from food and water. She's also giving the middle one a peck now and again but nowhere near as bad as with the little one.


3. They wouldn't go in the eglu last night and now they won't come out!

At dusk they got frantic - trying to get out of the pen and flying at the front mesh. We turned out all the lights, put a torch in the eglu and moved it to the floor but they still wouldn't go in and eventually piled up in the darkest rear corner of the run. I put them in the eglu and returned it to its stand and they seemed settled for the night. This morning I opened up at 7.00am put the food and water out (plus extra in the plastic tubs) but they still haven't come out. They look quite happy all huddled in there and admittedly the weather is awful but their run is very sheltered. How long can they go without food and water and should I put some in the eglu? If I do will the big blue bully stop little Coco getting any or worse start pecking her? I was going to Scats to get some conventional feeders and drinkers to dot round the run so the big one can't guard them all.


Sorry for the long post but I'm getting very worried about them - feel like a new mum! Any help and advice would be very much appreciated.


They are in a pink eglu that is on a raised (18") platform with a ladder going up to it within a covered run approx 10 ft by 15ft narrowing to 3ft at the back (so wedge shaped). It's very sheltered as only the front is meshed the other three sides consist of a wall and sturdy wooden fencing. The roof is covered in corrugated plastic. The base is slabbed and covered with hemcore. There's also a raised flower bed with a couple of shrubs for them to wreck, a pot of herbs and a large branch for them to clamber on. The grub and glug feeders are fixed to the front mesh panels.[/b]

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Hi there :)

I'm sure there will be plenty of people along to help you shortly, but I'll do the best I can with advice :lol:

Firstly, from experience, all hens take a little while settling down.

I, too, was worried because my hens wouldn't go near the food or water containers when we go them. However, with a little confidence and a little exploring, I'm sure they'll find where the grub is kept. It just takes time.

I recently got a new hen to join my other, and there was a little bullying and pecking though it should soon settle down. Again, it's sadly just a natural process. As long as the little one doesn't look in any distress, and any blood isn't drawn, then they should calm down with time. Though it is best to look out for the little ones as it's sad to see them not getting any food or water :roll:

And again, I spent quite a lot of time persuading my first hens into the eglu with a broom :lol: They should get the hang of it eventually.

Hope I've been of some help. Everyone here is very kind and knowledgable!! So I'm sure you'll be a chicken expert in no time :lol:

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I would echo Imo's advice - they will settle down given a few days.


My new girls didn't know what the feeders were for at first, so I just took out a handful of pellets and fed them by hand right next to the Grub, then tipped the rest back in after a few minutes. They soon got the idea! (You could do the same with some (dry) treats if they don't want to eat pellets from your hand.) It only takes one hen to start feeding from the Grub (or peanut) - the others will soon copy her :)


Mine often lurk in the eglu during nasty weather and only come out to eat and drink. If you're worried, you could put a heavy flat-bottomed dish of water (I use pottery dog bowls, the sort with vertical "walls") in the eglu itself, or even better some bread soaked in warm water (so they get food as well as liquid) - just remember to take it out at bedtime so they don't poo in it!

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Thank you both very much for your advice. I've made up some warm runny porridge with sunflower seeds and poultry spice and popped it in the eglu in a heavy dog bowl. Just peeped out and they're not showing any interest yet but at least they've got something in there if they want it (unless they're on hunger strike as well as lock in!)

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Don't worry. They'll come out and eat when they are ready


When we got our hens last week they arrived at lunchtime and were put in the cube to settle in. They didn't venture out until the following afternoon so I was forced to put food and water into the cube for the first few hours.


Ours will eat from the grub but really don't eat very much. I've only had to about a cup of food the grub each day, which is nothing between 5 hens. People on the forum have told me that they will eat a lot more when they are ready to lay but right now they are only babies at just 15 weeks.


I've had to put a conventional water bottle into the run as they refuse to drink from the superglug. They can - I've seen them but they prefered to peck drips off the run bars and drink from puddles.


Back gardens seem to be very scarey for new chooks. Ours spent the first few days jumping and boking at everything but they are starting to settle down now and get more confident.


Give them time and they'll surprise you

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Hello, congrats on your new arrivals!! I haven't had mi girls long either, but I do remember that the first 2-3 days, they were utterly barmy, flapping about all over and not behaving as you'd expect.


They calmed down once they got into a routine - don't forget that they've spent a while in a box, had a journey, been thrust into a new place with lots of interested people looking at them....it's all a bit much.


They will get the hang of it, and I am sure no chicken will deliberately starve itself if there is any option at all of food :D


I know that it's scary though, all of a sudden having the responsibility!! Although we still chuckle over the fact that we had more 'tuition' on how to look after Ginger and Nutmeg than we ever did before our daughter arrived!! :shock:

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I really hope it all settles down for you!!

And I love your names for your chickens - especially Coco Chanel!! As you can see, my girls are named after fashion designers too. And I've seen someone on here with a Gucci and Prada too!! :lol:

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Phew! They've finally emerged and all three have mastered the glug although I like your water bottle idea which would keep the bits out. One has even worked out there's food in the grub so only a matter of time now before the others catch on. The bluebelle is still being a thug but not quite as nasty as she was being yesterday. Hopefully they will all settle down soon and I'll try to stop panicking! Let's hope they find their way back tonight and I don't have to get the broom out.


Thank you all very much for your advice.

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Hi Imo, I love your chickens names! Sylvie is actually short for Quicksilver (my son's choice) and my daughter's was supposed to be Pepsi but she is so not a cute Pepsi, so she changed it to Hyacinth from Keeping Up Appearances. (She's certainly good at hen-pecking anyway)

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