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Moulting - advice need please

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Hi, I'd really appreciate some advice please. We've had our girls for over a year now - when can we expect them to start moulting? Is is seasonal or age-related? We did have a bried period when more feather loss than the usual one or two was noted but nothing remarkable, was that it? I have noticed that Ingrid has 'changed colour.' :? Whereas she used to be the usual GNR colour but with a pale chest she is now mostly pale all over. Have I been a bad mum and missed this rite of passage in which case I better get handy with the wing clipping scissors.......??? :?

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You'll know when they are moulting, if only because the eglu will be full of feathers!


They usually moult in autumn, or when they are about a year old, I think, but my Speckledy didn't moult until last autumn, and she was born early in 2006. So I wouldn't worry - they will probably do it some time this year. Just make sure you give them some extra protein and minerals when it happens, as it takes a lot out of them.

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