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veggie stuff

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have got a restaurant above my work place who is kindly giving me veg peelings etc. i would just give cabbage and cauli etc raw but i have been given leeks and what looks like turnip or swede peelings. do i need to boil these first, especially the leek as it seems very rubbery to me or are they fine to just give raw, thanks as always

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You have to cook potato peelings because they can be poisonous if raw - I don't think other peelings have to be cooked, but I think they will be more attractive to the hens if they're cooked. Mine are a bit sniffy about raw parsnip, swede etc but scoff it up if I boil them first.


I don't think leeks would be a problem re the eggs - after all, my hens eat garlic powder every day and that doesn't affect them - but I've never given onions or leeks to mine just because I assumed they wouldn't like the taste.


What lucky chickens you have, mine really like veg s"Ooops, word censored!"s but I don't produce many.

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According to 'tinterweb, leeks and onions will taint eggs.


weird then isn't it - wonder why the garlic powder doesn't? :?


Actually sometimes an onion-flavoured egg could be quite useful - it would speed up quiche making. You'd have to be careful not to use them for cakes though!

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