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grass or wood chippings?

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Hey everyone


Just wandering which would be best.

Keeping the chickens eglu and run on grass then changing to a new area of grass several times a week




Keeping them on wood chippings and raking it over and adding new chippings when it gets dirty.


This may sound silly that I'm asking this question because I don't actually own any chickens or an eglu, but I just want to know for when I do get an eglu and chickens! I like to plan ahead. :)

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Hello Hayhatch, welcome to the forum :D .


Not a silly question at all (no such thing on here :wink: ). I have an eglu but keep it on a permanent run with hemcore which I rake over, adding new hemcore, every 6 weeks or so * here's their website *. Moving an eglu "several times a week" could become a real chore but certainly you could try it and see how you get on. If you have a big enough garden and 2 of you to make moving it easier, you might be OK.


If you can't get hemcore, try * aubiose *.


Keep us posted on your plans - we love seeing photos of new chickens and eglus :wink: .

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Thankyou for the advice and threads. V.helpful!

I'm doing a Nd in Equine Studies (horses) in college so I know about auboise, and the other types of horse bedding, and where to get it! So thats a bonus. :)

Just keep thinking to the years ahead, when (fingers crossed) I'll have my own eglu and chickens.

Do like the idea of hemcore/auboise, at least then still be able to let the chickens out to roam about in the garden.

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