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How many chickens

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did you all start off with at first? I'm being nosey -lol


We haven't got ours yet (waiting for ex batts) but had decided to start off with 2. Then changed mind to 3 as found out that was a better number. Then thought that I should go for 4 as that was one each but then when I spoke to Adele I said 6 as I've already realised how addictive they are.


The man who's doing my coop and run says it'll be big enough for at least 10 but I thougt that might be too many to start off with -lol

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I've got 6, though when I first decided to get chickens, 3 was the number I had in mind :lol: people on here say you should get as many as you can to start with so you don't have the hassle of new introductions later - that's the excuse I used when my 3 increased to 6 :lol:

But now I'm looking at my coop ( which is a ginormous thing- bigger than we intended ) and I know I could fit 10 in there quite easily, just got to work out how I could extend the run -seems it doesn't matter how many you get, you'll always want more ! :roll:

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It makes sense to me to get as many as you can handle straightaway, especially when you read about some of the nightmares people have had with introducing new hens.


I am hoping that I can be satisfied with just three as my back garden is small and the hybrid Pepperpots from what I hear are Big Girls! :shock:


Good luck!

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  meezers said:
I've got 6, though when I first decided to get chickens, 3 was the number I had in mind :lol: people on here say you should get as many as you can to start with so you don't have the hassle of new introductions later - that's the excuse I used when my 3 increased to 6 :lol:

But now I'm looking at my coop ( which is a ginormous thing- bigger than we intended ) and I know I could fit 10 in there quite easily, just got to work out how I could extend the run -seems it doesn't matter how many you get, you'll always want more ! :roll:


wow i could written this myself im wanting to extend,and add 2 more :lol: started of with 4 add another 2, would liek 2 more then i think i will have to say no more but need to get hubby to extend run slightly bit more, i would like to get a incubator and raise 2 chicks but hubby not keen :cry:

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We started off with 4 and are quite happy. We are getting 2 eggs a day as only 2 are laying and even now we seem to have lots of eggs so when all 4 start laying we are going to have to start selling them or giving them away.




I would like some pure breed chickens but i don't think my parents will let me just yet but im working on it!

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Originally we wanted 3 chickens in an eglu but decided to get a cube instead after reading on here that several people had found rats nests under their eglus.


3 chickens just didn't seem enough for a cube so we decided on 4 omlet girls but ended up with 5 when my Mum bought one for us.


We almost ended up with two more over Easter as my Mum wanted to buy two banties for my son for Easter instead of chocolate but I didn't want to mix banties with the big girls in case of trouble.


They are addictive so my advice is to make sure that have enough room for all the extras that you'll pick up along the way :)

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