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Pecking Order????

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Hi All,


As a newbie, I am a bit nervous and perhaps overly worrying, however, I'd LOVE your advice:


I brought my 4 chooks home on Thursday and thought they all seemed to be fairly friendly towards each other. BUT: today they have really been having "a go" :( at each other. Lots of flapping wings, charging at each other, pecking and leaping up in the air at each other .... :shock::shock:


Is this normal "pecking order" behaviour???? And, how long does it go on???


Any thoughts/comments - gratefully received!!


Thanks very much.

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I'm sure someone more experienced will be able to put your mind at rest, but I have found much the same as you. I got my chooks on good friday and they were all pally and polite to each other for the first 3 days, since then we've had some pecking, scratching (that was today- Bluebelle just walked up to Lottie who was sunbathing, and scratched at her as if she was dirt , then acted like ' oh sorry, didn't see you there' :lol: ) even the timid ones joined in today chasing each other in circles and charging at each other for no apparent reason. I'm sure they are just sorting out the pecking order, from what I understand, as long as they don't draw blood we can leave them to it.

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I have introduced two new hens to my bantams today. It was a bit mixed but on the whole quite civilised. We are expecting worse tomorrow.


When I introduced my brahmas to my other girls it took a good week for the pecking order squabbles to get sorted. It was almost pistols at dawn with brahmas over one side of the garden and cochins at the other side. They got it sorted in the end and they are firm friends now, even sharing the nest box at times although it's a bit of a squeeze.


Even now, my Orp miniature squares up to the massive brahmas. She flies up to peck their faces (stupid bird - missed the 'pick on someone your own size' lesson) , they squish her then it's all over.


Don't worry about the squabbles unless they draw blood or get particularly nasty.

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