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Dodgy eggs from ex batts

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I got 3 ex batts on the 15th March and was expecting poor eggs for a while. But how long does it take before the eggs are more normal?


At the moment I'm getting softies from one of them and very thin shelled, wrinklies from the other 2.


What causes it? I assume they are getting enough calcium in their diet as they are having the same as the omlet hens, but in meal form, and grit. Is it the stress? Or is it because they are older in which case will it ever get better?


After selling 3 boxes a week all I am left with at the moment are the pooey and wrinkly ones!

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I've noticed that the quality is just like that of a supermarket egg.


Maybe they need extra calcium as they have been churning eggs out on a daily basis for over a year and it will have taken it out of them.


Also, I am assuming, possibly wrongly, that the food served up in battery outfits is probably not top quality.


I reckon they have quite a bit of catching up to do before they are as healthy as the other hens.

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we got ours n 8th March and we have had about 3 soft shelled eggs. The rest have varied in size but are of good quality, only had one wrinkly shell.


We are feeding ours on pellets now, they had mash for the first two weeks then I mixed the two, now they guzzle the pellets out of my hand. I also give them veg s"Ooops, word censored!"s, particularly cabbage and sweetcorn.


I'm sure it's just a question of them settling down again! Try not to worry.

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Thanks. I have had 2 nicer looking eggs today, but I agree, they are pretty bland tasting and when I crack them open they don't look as good as the omlet hens' eggs.

I'm pleased to hear they can cope with pellets - I thought I'd have to wait ages. They eat so much and half of it goes on the floor. I am going to start mixing some pellets in with their mash.


I have been so amazed at how they learnt to scratch and dust bathe and go mad over a cabbage. I'm sure the eggs are getting better by the day.

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