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Too Late for Raspberries

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no, it's not too late to plant them :D

You may have to wait till next year for a good crop though, especially if they are a summer fruiting variety :?

On the plus side, if you plant them now you'll get a fantastic crop next summer and up to 19 summers after that 8)

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If you can get hold of an autumn fruiting variety such as 'Autumn Bliss' you can plant it now and should get fruit this year.


Autumn raspberries produce fruit on the current years growth, and are cut down to the ground in winter.


My local garden centre has some as I got them last week.


If you only cut back 1/2 the canes in winter, the old canes will produce some fruit in late June/early July and then a bigger crop in late September.

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Thanks Christian I went looking for canes this morning and came back with a blackberry as no rapsberries left :shock: But will go out at weekend looking for some Autumn Bliss I knew I had read something about different seasons and raspberries :) Druidx

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We planted Autumn Bliss this time last year, and we had quite a good crop. Sadly all the raspberries got eaten before we got to weigh them... Try to go to a recommended fruit seller, rather than the garden centre... We paid £8 for 10 stems of autumn bliss raspberries, whereas the garden centre wanted £6 for 2 stems!


Blackmoor Nurseries (Surrey / Hampshire Border) are a very good family run business, and they have an excellent farm shop too.

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